Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Best thing about being retired?

I gotta tell you, one of the best things for me about this retired business is being able to turn off the alarm and go back to sleep. No really, waking up on my body's own schedule is such a gift. Some days six hours is enough, other days it seems like I need ten hours of sleep. On days when we need to get up we'll each set an alarm, which I will of course forget to turn off the next day. Then, what a luxury to turn it off that next morning and roll back over and go back to sleep!

Next of course is the coffee in bed. Not every morning, because then it would seem old. But many mornings, just enough so that we can continue to enjoy it. There's always a tussle over who is going to get the coffee, because that person generally also has to clean up after the dogs nighttime messes (yes, we've gotten lazy & don't get up to take them out to wander around strange campgrounds at night so make do with cleaning up after them in the morning. TMI? Sorry.). Sometimes we split the difference, but usually Bob will do it because he knows how much pain I'm in & how much of an effort it is for me to get up first. What a sweetie, right? That's why I keep him around!

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